
This little sweetheart started life in a tough situation, as he was given little space and poor care. But he learned quickly that good food, toys, and treats, human affection and room to romp could all be his, and he's been taking advantage ever since. Whether tossing nesting cups to get to yummy pellets, racing to the front of his space to grab the banana he LOVES, or doing mad dash zoomies when exercise time comes around, he's a bunny with a passion for the good things in life. He's not yet a fan of being picked up, but will settle in for a nice pet session as long as he has four paws on the floor. He's a tidy little guy, and a monster hay eater! Minkah, whose name means 'Justice', has finally gotten just that. Now all he needs is a sweetie to share it with!
Date of Birth:
July 2020
Mini Lop / Mix
Brown / Cream